Evolution leads logically to polygenism -- that is, a belief, not in one physically perfect first man (Adam), but in groups of brutish first men and women mutating from parents who were not human.
Polygenism plays havoc with the central Christian dogma of Original Sin. And lately under the influence of Teilhard de Chardin's (1881-1955) evolutionary theology, all the Catholic dogmas are being turned upside-down. If we can demonstrate that the ape-men never existed, then the whole case for evolution, polygenism and Teilhardianism collapses.
The average person now believes that there were strange creatures in prehistoric times, not quite men and not wholly animal. We are being told, in the name of science, that these ape-men existed, and, that we came from them. If this theory is wrong, then our era is really the darkest age of all. But right or wrong, the theory is successful. So much so that Adam and Eve are laughed out of court. We are witnessing the triumph of a very diabolical game, and the aim of the game is to get rid of God and undermine the veracity of the Bible.
There have been various "family trees of man" put forward for our new belief system, disagreeing and conflicting with one another. But several members of the "family" have been shown to be phony. Let's begin with 1857:
Neanderthal Man: He was supposed to be little better than the chimpanzee: small brain capacity, walking stooped forward with knees bent, hairy, animalistic and very disagreeable.
The mistake about brain capacity was corrected by Marcellin Boule. Boule proved by measurements that Neanderthal Man had a bigger brain capacity than modern man. Then, evidence was found that he believed in the supernatural. Douglas Dewar tells us that Neanderthal Man buried his dead with ceremony and that he was a skilled craftsman. Also, there was evidence indicating that Neanderthal Man had intermarried with modern-type man. And Fontechevade fossils proved Neanderthal Man and modern-type man were contemporary.
To cap it all, in 1929 Professor Sergi proved Neanderthal Man walked perfectly upright -- as upright as any of us today. Pictures and statues representing Neanderthal as a shambling brute are the artist's own work. The artist can do anything he pleases. He can make Neanderthal look like a brute or a philosopher. Neanderthal Man was a hunter and a nomad who used caves. But it is obvious that he was just another race of man -- your brother, a real man with a soul to save.
Nebraska Man: In 1922, someone found an unusual molar tooth in Nebraska. The eminent Professor Henry Osborn, then of the Natural History Museum in New York, firmly declared that this tooth must have belonged to a creature half-ape and half-man. Many specialists and scientists agreed. And so there he was. America was proud to have a 100% all-American ape-man. He lasted a total of five years. In 1927, further discoveries proved that the unusual tooth on which Nebraska Man had been built had come not from an ape-man, but from a peccary -- a type of wild pig. Professor Osborn's ape-man was a pig! Such is the fantasy world of evolution.
Even before Nebraska Man there began a series of three phony ape-men. All three have something or, rather, someone, in common -- the famous Modernist, "Father" Teilhard de Chardin SJ:
Java Man: (Image at left: a helmeted Chardin helps out at Java.)
In 1891, Dr. Eugene Dubois of Holland gave up his career and
went to Java to search for the missing link. Later he presented to the world his
Pithecanthropus Erectus, or Java Man. Java Man became a hero, talked about in the
same way as were Pitt and Napoleon. Popular histories published detailed portraits
of him. G. K. Chesterton commented that no uninformed person looking at his
carefully lined face would imagine that this was a portrait of a thigh-bone, a few teeth,
and a fragment of cranium. How did it happen? In 1895, when Dubois returned to
Europe, he showed to an International Congress of zoologists what he had found in a river
bed in Java: a skullcap and a tooth, which both appeared to belong to an ape. He
also showed them something that had been found a year later and about 50 feet distant,
namely, a thigh bone that seemed to be human.
Dubois insisted they belonged together and scientists let him say so, because it was believed that man had only recently migrated to Java. So, assuming there had been no humans in Java, they allowed the ape's skullcap to belong to the human thigh bone, and there was the "missing link" which they wanted to find.
However, Dr. Dubois had not told the whole truth. He had not told the most important part of the story -- he had also found two human skulls in the same stratum as the skullcap. To have told this would have spoiled his case because those human skulls showed that real human beings did live in Java at the same time as the supposed ape-men. And that would have meant that there was no need to link the thigh bone with the skullcap 50 feet distant.
In addition to the exploits of Dubois, there were two later expeditions to Java. The Selenka expedition, 1907-8, was conducted with strict scientific discipline. It found evidence indicating human existence in the same stratum as the supposed ape-man. It found no evidence supporting the Dubois ape-man. These findings were a setback to the "missing link." Then around 1921, Dubois revealed his secret about the human skulls. Something had to be done to save Java Man; so a third expedition was begun.
In 1931, G. H. R. von Koenigswald was sent to search the area. He found a number of human skulls, but no "missing links." Because of the Great Depression, von Koenigswald lost his funding. But in 1936, through Teilhard de Chardin's influence, he was granted considerable funds through the Carnegie Foundation in America. One writer observed: "One has the impression of a vast web, of which Teilhard held in part the threads, where he served as liaison agent, or better still, as chief of staff, able, like a magician, to make American money flow, or at least to channel it for the greatest good of palaentology."
Thus von Koenigswald returned to the quest. By 1938 he had found fragments of jawbones, some teeth, fragments of skulls and a skullcap. From these he produced Java Man II, III and IV. But these fossils had the same characteristics as the Dubois Java Man I. Several experts judged them to be "very similar to those of chimpanzees and gibbons."
By this time, Dubois was repudiating his own Java Man. He declared that, after long study, he was of the opinion that "we are here concerned with a gigantic gibbon." Ironically, now that he was trying to make amends, he was dismissed as unreliable. He was not allowed to kill off his own Java Man, which came to be enshrined (together with Peking Man) as "Homo Erectus," the beginning of man.
"Ape-men" are hatched in the shadows, shielded from the light of truth. Official publications veil the scandals. Textbooks omit the real evidence. They are still solemnly teaching that the ape's skullcap and the human thigh bone belong together!
Piltdown Man: (Image at right: a young Teilhard out fossil hunting perhaps?)
In December of 1912, Charles Dawson and Sir Arthur Smith Woodward of the British Museum told a
distinguished audience that during four years of work, they had found strange fossils at
Piltdown, England, namely, the upper part of a skull which was human, and nearby, a broken
lower jawbone which was quite ape-like except that the teeth had worn down the way human
teeth wear down. An important canine tooth was missing. If it could be found,
and if it were worn down like the molars, the ape-man's case would be strengthened.
The tooth was found eight months later, August 29, 1913. Fellow evolutionst Chardin had returned from France. The very next day Dawson, Woodward and Teilhard went down to the Piltdown site to sieve the gravel. After a time, Teilhard called out that he had found the missing tooth! The tooth fit the jaw and Mr. Piltdown was established.
He reigned for forty years. Then some skeptics insisted he be retested. Piltdown Man survived the first test, but his age was dropped from 500,000 years to 50,000 years. The critics forced further tests. And now it was clearly a disgrace. The skull was that of a modern man. The jawbone was from an ape that had only recently died. Now, too, they saw that the teeth had been filed to make them look human. The marks of an abrasive were discovered. Now they saw that the jawbone and the teeth had all been stained by chemicals to make them look like ancient specimens. Now they saw the crudeness of the fake. Why had they not seen it before? And that skull, dated by experts first at 500,000 years, then at 50,000 years, then at a few thousand years -- now it was 500 years old.
(Image at left: pointing to the obvious deception.)
Who perpetrated the fraud? Piltdown has been a prolific source of "who-dunnit"
writings, and the weight of them is bearing down on Chardin as the mastermind in the hoax.
A strong case is made that he acted with Dawson and possibly with some young
subordinates of the British Museum. It is fairly certain that the fake jaw came from
some unregistered orangutan bones from the British Museum.
Tracking down the mastermind of Piltdown is an interesting exercise, but I suggest that many leading scientists of the day were also culprits. They allowed a detectable forgery to be foisted on the world, spreading the creed of evolution for forty years.
Peking Man: Dr. Davidson Black, in 1914, had helped put together the Piltdown skull. In 1926 while Piltdown Man still reigned in England, Black and Chardin were in China looking for fossils.
In 1927 a molar tooth was found. Black pronounced that it was part ape, part human, and Peking Man was born. The press welcomed a new ancestor based on one tooth. Next, in 1929, something of a skull was found. Teilhard at first reported that it "manifestly resembles the great apes closely." Experts agreed that it was a baboon or large monkey.
(Image at right: Teilhard
contemplates the "theology of man" in this "skull" -- real or fake.)
Dr. Black wanted his ape-man, however. He made a model of a skull, falsely described by
Chardin as a cast, and gave it a brain capacity of 960 c.c. -- far in excess of the
skull earlier described by Chardin.
Later the two announced that they had found "traces of fire" amongst more fossils; that Peking Man walked upright, lived in caves, etc. Evidence was twisted and suppressed to fabricate Peking Man; the press cooperated, and the world fell for it.
Then the eminent anthropologists, Professor Breuil and Marcellin Boule were invited to the site. Breuil found that the "traces of fire" were actually the remains of industrial furnaces run by humans. Boule found the same thing; he added that the skulls were of monkeys eaten by the humans. Near the end of 1933, human skulls were unearthed at the site, supporting the findings of Breuil and Boule. But their voices were scarcely heard. The world was systematically deceived, and Peking Man grew stronger on the diet of deceit. So also did Dr. Black's stature. By 1934, he had received the honor of Fellow of the Royal Society of London. But in March of that year, he was found dead in his laboratory, among the human fossils.
(Image at left: Dr. Franz Weidenreich) Teilhard reported that human remains had been
found, but, without going to investigate the site, he dismissed them as being of a later
date. When Dr. Franz Weidenreich took charge, he proceeded to make his own model of
Peking Man. He used parts of four different skull pieces, then had a sculptress mold
them into a female skull, with a whopping 1200 c.c. brain capacity!
In 1937, Teilhard contradicted his earlier report and published an article which conveyed that no human remains had been found. Instead he spoke of a "great male" ape-man to refute Boule's view that real men were needed to work the industry.
But why not examine the actual fossils to get to the truth? This cannot be done, because every fossil bone originally claimed to be of Peking Man has disappeared. All that is left are the imaginative models. No one knows what happened to the fossils, but Father Patrick O'Connell, who investigated the affair, wrote: "The skulls were therefore destroyed, in order to remove the evidence of fraud on a large scale."
Teilhard receiving award for "Lifetime of Deception" or "Most Phony Ape-Men"?
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