The Madonna of Maria Zell, Austria
Many of the pilgrims to Maria Zell perform the same penance up the main stairway. On their knees, arms outstretched, or carrying heavy blocks of stone, the devout faithful advance; sometimes the procession halts while all prostrate themselves on the ground. Person who are unable to make the pilgrimage write letters to the Madonna, which are preserved in the archives. According to the ancient custom they are addressed: "To Our Beloved Mother of Grace." PRAYERTo our beloved Mother of Grace: Remember, O most gracious Virgin, our loved ones, families, friends and kind benefactors who kneel here in spirit at thy shrine, sending up their sighs to Thee. In Thy clemency, O good Mother, hear and answer their humble petitions, if they be to God's greater honor and glory and for the good of souls. Help them to bear the sweet yoke of Jesus, Thy Son, that they may carry their burdens of this life patiently and lovingly, that they come at last to the eternal rest of thy heavenly abode. Amen. NEW: Alphabetical Index Back to Marian Shrines & Apparitions Visit also: |